02910 – God Weeps

When God looks at our world, God weeps because the lust for power has entrapped and corrupted the human spirit. Instead of gratitude there is resentment; instead of praise there is criticism; instead of forgiveness there is revenge; instead of healing there is...

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00435 – God Laughs & Weeps with Us

The story of Jesus enables me to envision God as One who genuinely cares for each and all of us. In Jesus, God confronts the Darkness face to face, Incarnate, for our sake. Jesus is Light to the gentle face of God. The story of Jesus says that God laughs with us in...

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00259 – Thy Kingdom Come

What kind of kingdom will this be? It will be a kingdom where, in accordance with Jesus’ prayer, God’s name is truly hallowed, his will is done on earth, men will have everything in abundance, all sin will be forgiven and all evil overcome. It will be a kingdom where,...

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