But it is a dangerous error, surely very widespread among Christians, to think that the heart can pray by itself. For then we confuse wishes, hopes, sighs, laments, rejoicing--all of which the heart can do by itself--with prayer. And we confuse heaven and earth, human...
01727 – Only One Cause of Unhappiness
There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them.
01663 – Deep & Wide
Keep your Christianity wide as well as deep. from Letters
01528 – Versions of Christianity
Between the Christianity of this land, and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference—so wide, that to receive the one as good, pure and holy, is of necessity to reject the other as bad, corrupt, and wicked....I am filled with unutterable...
00031 – Gospel of the Kingdom Transforms Shame
Shame seems most widespread and deepest among the very people who take rightness and goodness most seriously. It is a dimension of condemnation that reaches into the deepest levels of our souls. In shame we are self-condemned for being the person we are. It touches...