04239 – Inner Youth Remains

The tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young. Inside this aging body is a heart still as curious, still as hungry, still as full of longing as it was in youth. I sit at the window and watch the world pass by, feeling like a stranger in a...

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03001 – Much in the Window; Nothing in the Room

We have bigger houses, but smaller families;More conveniences, but less time;We have more degrees, but less sense;More knowledge, but less judgment;More experts, but more problems;More medicines, but less healthiness;We've been all the way to the moon and back,but...

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02044 – The Power of God at Work

Jesus is both a mirror to our humanity and a window to divinity, a window revealing as much of God as is given mortal eyes to see. When Christians see Christ empowering the weak, scorning the powerful, healing the wounded, and judging their tormentors, we are seeing...

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01852 – Your Frame of Vision

There is a beautiful complexity of growth within the human soul. In order to glimpse this, it is helpful to visualize the mind as a tower of windows. Sadly, many people remain trapped at the one window, looking out every day at the same scene in the same way. Real...

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01399 – Christ in Glory, Here and Now

My favorite lines about Christ's "Second Coming" are in the story "A Christmas Memory," by Truman Capote. In this autobiographical piece of great delicacy, the author describes his last Christmas with the woman who brought him up. The author is seven at the time; she...

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00261 – Stop and Smell the Roses!

One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon—instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.

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