02445 –

You are above me O GodYou are beneathYou are in airYou are in earthYou are beside meYou are within.O God of heaven,you have made your home on EarthIn the broken body of CreationKindle within mea love for you in all things. from Celtic Prayers from Iona

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01934 – A Dignified Nobility in Humankind

There is a dignified nobility in humankindWe know it when we see itNurse tenderly caring for your loved one in the hospice house as she travels toward the great beyondPolitician choosing integrity, knowing full well he won't be elected againPastor remaining true to...

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01641 – Stories Challenge Us

One thing healthy religion does is challenge us. I don’t mean the strident castigations of the street preacher or even the social justice rally-er. Great traditions excel at the soft challenge, the friendly nudge, issued predominantly through the mode of story....

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01496 – Anger is Within

A monk decides to meditate alone. Away from his monastery, he takes a boat and goes to the middle of the lake, closes his eyes and begins to meditate. After a few hours of unperturbed silence, he suddenly feels the blow of another boat hitting his. With his eyes still...

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01489 – The Purpose of Our Deliverance

Christians, we have maintained, are those who through confrontation with death are given new freedom from the sting of death and so a new freedom for voluntary service to others. Surely if this claim has any truth in it, then it is not our own suffering but the...

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01451 – God’s Loving Claim Upon Us

We are confronted by God's loving claim upon us--the most intense intimacy a human being can experience. To know this intimacy we have only to let go. Instead of relying on our own initiative, where we are in control, we discover that we are participating in what God...

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