04267 – Religious Subjugation of Women

Some male leaders of the Christian faith have continued the unwarranted practice of sexual discrimination... It is inevitable that this sustained religious subjugation has been a major influence in depriving women of basic rights within the worldwide secular community.

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04262 – Let’s Be Very Clear

Let's be very clear: Strong men--men who are truly role models--don't need to put down women in order to make themselves feel powerful. People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together.

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03794 – The Imago Dei, in Women & Men

When women are treated as equals in advancing the kingdom of God on this earth, we all flourish. The Imago Dei in the face of women is just as clear as the Imago Dei in the face of men, and the fullness of God can be made known when we live and work together to bring...

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03787 – Rick Warren Apology

My biggest regret in 53 years of ministry is that I didn’t do my own personal exegesis sooner on the 4 passages used to restrict women. Shame on me. I wasted those 4 yrs of Greek in college & seminary. When I finally did my proper “due diligence”, laying aside 50...

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03779 – The Way of Love

During an era when religious institutions used theology and Scripture to malign and reject others, Jesus accepted and included Gentiles, the poor, the sick, women, Samaritans, Romans, children, and many others who were outcasts and oppressed. Being inclusive and...

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