02932 – Elevating & Empowering Women

When Jesus was taken to be executed on the cross, 11 of the 12 men abandoned him, but the women stayed. When Jesus’ body was buried, the women were the first ones at his grave. When Jesus rose from the dead, the men were hiding, so the women announced his...

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02871 – Heroes and Sheroes

We live in direct relation to the heroes and sheroes we have. The men and women who without knowing our names or recognizing our faces, risked and sometimes gave their lives to support our country and our way of living. We must say thank you.

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02748 – The Answer is “Yes!”

I’m mindful that for many of us, we have heard a lot of “no’s” in our lifetimes. Especially from people who think they are speaking for or defending God. Whether implicitly or explicitly, we’ve heard things like:"No, you’re not supposed to be asking questions like...

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02739 – Being Christlike

Genocide is biblical.Loving your enemy is biblical.But only one is Christlike.Slavery is biblical.Chain-breaking is biblical.But only one is Christlike. Patriarchy is biblical.Counter-cultural elevation of women is biblical.But only one is Christlike. Retributive...

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02690 – Personal Choice?

Imagine taking the few Bible verses on women being silent in church and human sexuality as literal divine commands from God for all society, but minimizing the +2,000 verses calling for a generous economy and redistribution of wealth for the sake of the poor to a...

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02461 – God is Not a Belief-System

God is not a belief-system. Jesus is not a religion. Christianity is not a check-list. Church is not an address. The Bible is not a book of doctrines. Community is not a meeting. Grace has no exceptions. Ministry is not a program. Art is not carnal. Women are not...

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02434 – Believe Women Called to Ministry!

Let’s make a habit of believing women who are called to ministry. Before we say: “She lacks discernment or has selfish ambition”, look at the fruit in her life. Allow her to be a credible witness to the outworking of the gospel in her own life story.

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02326 – Women & Jesus

Unlike other men, Jesus spoke freely to women in public. He taught theology to women. He had women as disciples or followers. He was clear that women would be active participants in the work of his kingdom from Gender Roles and the People of God: Rethinking What We...

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