If we are to reJesus the church and remake it in our Founder's image, we need to go back to the daring, radical, strange, wonderful, inexplicable, unstoppable, marvelous, unsettling, disturbing, caring, powerful God-Man. The church needs to find itself in league with...
02939 – Pick the Right Team
If you have always been short, chubby, and slow, and your sense of success means playing on an NBA team, failure will be your lot in life. If, however, you are pleased to play on a local playground team with other short, chubby, and slow people, and you have a...
02480 – You are Holy, Lord
You are holy, Lord, the only God,and Your deeds are wonderful…You are Good, all Good,supreme Good,Lord God, living and true.You are love.You are wisdom.You are humility.You are endurance.You are rest.You are peace.You are joy and gladness.You are justice and...
02196 – The Flow of Grace
I know it’s easy to be cynical, to look at the disastrous effects of Christianity’s complicity with empire and want to give up on the whole endeavor, but I also want to proclaim that the flow of grace is a truly wonderful thing.
02100 – Life: Beautiful & Hard
I can't reconcile the way that the world is jolted by events that are wonderful and terrible, the gorgeous and the tragic. Except that I am beginning to believe that these opposites do not cancel each other out. I see a middle-aged woman in the waiting room of the...
00929 – There is Wonder All Around Us
There is wonder all around us, and it is God’s will to fill us with that wonder that makes life enchanting and sacred. We cannot help but sing when that happens. Maybe that is why, of all the religions in the world, there is none with the wealth of music that the...