Remember all those Sunday School lessons, Vacation Bible Schools, retreats, mission trips, and worship services? Their purpose was to help shape and mature us as Christ followers so that now we can demonstrate what it looks like to be people of peace, grace, love, and...
02888 – What Mature Christ Followers Do
Remember all those Sunday school lessons, Vacation Bible Schools, retreats, mission trips, and worship services? Their purpose was to help shape and mature us as Christ followers so that now we can demonstrate what it looks like to be people of peace, grace, love, and...
01178 – Worship: The Church’s Offering to God
Every act of worship should be understood as part of the Church's offering to God. "Any action that does not meet with that qualification does not deserve to be a part of a worship experience." [C. Weldon Gaddy, The Gift of Worship] All the music, from prelude to...
00880 – Music Leadership for Worship
Make no mistake about it: the most important musical group in the church is the congregation. Worship is for all of God’s people; the New Testament doctrine of the priesthood of all believers calls for the saints to lift up their voices (whether musically gifted or...
00845 – I Only Needed to Sing
Last Sunday, we stood for a hymn. I opened my mouth to sing and found a sob. Soon, I was weeping from the sheer joy of being there, my wife and son on one side, three friends on the other, and around us good-hearted and faithful people drawing close to God. I am sure...
00832 – Choir: God is the Ultimate Audience
At times a choir may sing to or for a congregation of worshipers, but God remains the ultimate audience. However, a presentation from a choir can qualify as Christian proclamation every bit as much as a sermon. Intended as a gift to God, such a musical declaration is...
00810 – Don’t Let the Bible Disappear in Worship
One of the striking things about evangelical corporate worship in our times is the evident paucity of Scripture. There is relatively little Scripture read, prayed, or sung in our assemblies. While high liturgical traditions continue to infuse services with scriptural...
00796 – Worship & the Emerging Church
I wonder if in the rush of creative planning and the desire to see people enjoy our worship gatherings in the modern church, we have pushed to the sidelines what we are supposed to be doing… In the emerging church, we need to make sure we view our worship services as...
00789 – Our Worship: What Does God Think?
If we honestly compared the amount of time in church spent thinking about what others think or might think with the amount of time thinking about what God is thinking, we would probably be shocked. Those of us in congregational leadership need to think deeply about...
00762 – “Making Worship Useful” Destroys It
An emphasis on what we “get out” of a worship service—above all, that we feel good about ourselves—displaces the theocentric praise of God with anthropocentric utilitarianism. Since the worship of God is an end in itself, “making worship useful” destroys it, because...